Hazard Mitigation Plan

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Planning Process

The foundation for a plan begins with the process. It is critical to identify a wide range of planning participants to contribute to the process. Significant outreach must be conducted to ensure members of the community are given the opportunity to engage in the discussion. Existing resources must be identified and integrated into the planning process to promote comprehensive, community wide solutions. Documentation throughout is key, not just to meet planning requirements, but to ensure transparency and foster continued plan maintenance.

  • Planning Context
  • Participation/Meetings
  • Integration
  • Maintenance
  • Adoptions
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Risk is the potential for damage, loss or other impacts created by the interaction of natural hazard with community assets. Risk identifies exposure to hazards and evaluates vulnerability to that hazard. Particular attention is given to risk to critical infrastructure. Recent changes in development are identified and assessed for impact to hazard risk, and a community’s capacity to respond to and recover from potential events is considered.

  • Vulnerability
  • Critical Infrastructure
  • Changes in Development
  • Response
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Mitigation strategies bolster a community’s established goals and objectives by identifying a range of specific mitigation actions to be implemented during the lifecycle of the plan. The framework includes an inventory of capabilities to be both leveraged and enhanced to support actions to reduce risk to hazards.

  • Goals
  • Capabilities
  • Actions


Household Income Below Poverty Level
Median Household Income
Median Property Value
Median Age
Number of Employees

Hazard Mitigation Representative

Hazard Loss

Hazard Risk Annual Average Loss by Hazard Type (1996-2017)


Hazard Events

Hazard Events Number of Events by Hazard Type (1996-2017)

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Claims


Critical Assets in Floodplain


Strategy Overview

Goals and Objectives


Capabilities are the tools and resources used by a community to minimize hazard impacts. Capabilities are categorized as: Planning and Regulatory, Administrative and Technical, Education and Outreach, and Financial assets. The information displayed in the table below includes the selected jurisdiction’s hazard mitigation capabilities. When the county is selected, the table includes capabilities for all jurisdictions in the plan, otherwise the table filters to the selected jurisdiction.
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responsible authority

Proposed Actions

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